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National Naval Aviation Museum

The National Naval Aviation Museum is the world's largest Naval Aviation museum and one of the most-visited museums in the state. Their 350,000 square foot museum space boasts more than 150 beautifully restored aircraft. We began working with the Museum in 2001. Since then, we've taken thousands of photographs covering every inch of that magnificent destination. Additionally, they've turned to us for various advertising efforts, product catalogs, and publication design.

Museum Guide

The newly-designed Museum Guide combined two of the Museum's popular books into one comprehensive 180-page museum tour. The Guide highlights all of the Museum's displayed aircraft, its exhibits and some of the thousands of historical artifacts in the Museum's collection. The Museum supplied some of the aircraft photos, but our own Michael Duncan shot about 90% of the remaining photography. "I was truly honored to have the opportunity to photograph these historic treasures," says Michael. "Getting this close to these amazing artifacts and aircraft is like being on the front line of American history."

The Aircraft Collection

We produced the first Aircraft Collection book in 2001, and we've continued to update and produce them ever since. About every two to three years, we shoot the new aircraft and exhibits and prepare a new version to sell in the Flight Deck Store. The Aircraft Collection is one of the store's flagship products and one of their biggest sellers.